Bernard Danielher husband
His children and grandchildren,
Renaud Danielhis wife Anna Daniel-Yadryshnikova and
Their children Anastasiya and Alexander,
Guy Daniel and his partner Claudia Birri,
Sharon Rennieher daughter, in England,
His brother-in-law, nieces and nephew, Raoul DanielAriane and her husband Maarten MerkelbachPhilippe Daniel and his wife Bonnie MioduchoskiBrigitte Daniel and her husband Michel Majoux,
His nephews Paul and Kirk Hotston and their families in England,
Related families and friends,
are deeply saddened to announce the death of
Mrs Brenda DANIEL
his dearly beloved wife, mother, grandmother, relative and friend, who passed away on 2 January 2021 in her 83rd year.
The service took place at the La Tour-de-Peilz temple on 6 January.
If you would like to honour his memory, please consider the Montreux-Vevey British Community Fund at UBS, CH48 0024 9249 5493 09L1.
Domicile: B. Daniel, Av. de la Cressire 3, 1814 La Tour-de-Peilz.