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What to do in the event of death

What to do in the event of death

Declaration of death

When someone close to you dies, it's perfectly natural to feel distraught and deeply disturbed by the news. We are rarely prepared for this event, and it is not always easy to know what steps to take in the first few hours. This guide is intended to provide you with valuable assistance.

It is important to note that the procedures and obligations may vary depending on the country. place of death :

Natural deaths :

Death of undetermined or violent origin :

The doctor present at the scene of the death wonders about the circumstances of death and checks the identity of the deceased. If there is any doubt about the cause of death, he may contact the police, if they are not already on site. The police then inform the public prosecutor of the situation. Depending on the information gathered, the public prosecutor may or may not request the intervention of doctors from the CURML (regional university centre for forensic medicine). If the CURML doctors go to the scene, the cause of death will be noted on the death certificate as "undetermined" or "violent". Visit undertakers are then contacted by the police headquarters in accordance with an established rotation plan, and the body is transported to the CURML, where the costs of the intervention will be borne by the public prosecutor.

Preparing for the funeral

The Pompes Funèbres Cassar take care of all the formalities associated with the death:

The Pompes Funèbres Cassarwith 18 branches in the canton of Vaud, will be with you every step of the way.

Our team of professionals is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We attach great importance to our personal availability to bereaved families, to the quality listening we offer, and to the human dimension that underpins our activity. Our extensive experience ensures that the administrative procedures and formalities are carried out in harmony with your family.

The death certificate

The death certificate can be obtained from the Cantonal Civil Status Office in Lausanne. 
We'll order it for you.

This record will indicate the identity of the deceased and the date and place of death. This extract from the register is very important, as it may be requested by any organisation (public services, banks, insurance companies, etc.) requiring proof of death.

People and organisations to notify once the death certificate has been obtained

It is also important to inform any organisation or person of the death of your loved one so that current contracts or obligations can be terminated. These organisations will ask you for the death certificate in order to provide proof.

Below is a detailed, but not exhaustive, list of organisations to contact as soon as the death certificate has been obtained:

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