Switzerland's cheapest funeral home according to RTS's "À bon entendeur".

Funeral provision

Anticipation means profit

Anticipate, is to take advantage

Do you have a question?
We'll be in touch!
Get an overview of the questions you need to complete for your last wishes when taking out a provident funeral contract.


Funeral provision

A provident funeral contract, also known as a foresight contract or funeral agreement, is a contract that allows the subscriber to relieve their loved ones of the task of financing the funeral, or even organising the ceremony, and thus ensure that their last wishes are respected. In this way, people with foresight free their families from all financial and organisational constraints when the time comes.


You should not confuse a provident or funeral insurance contract with a death insurance policy. Death insurance only provides the beneficiary named in the contract with a lump sum. This capital is not automatically intended to cover the policyholder's funeral expenses. They are offered by banks and insurance companies, and in no way define the policyholder's final wishes.

our services

Why take out a funeral policy?

Taking out a personal protection policy guarantees that your wishes will be respected, as expressed during your lifetime. All your decisions will be recorded and followed to the letter.

All the steps involved in organising your funeral will be taken care of, including :
"Saving my family from having to make difficult choices!"
When you choose Cassar SA Funeral Services, you can be sure that your wishes will be respected to the letter, and that your loved ones will be relieved of all the red tape and financial worries.

Who can take out a funeral contract?

Anyone over the age of majority, living in Switzerland and of any age, can take out a funeral contract, but it is generally around retirement age or when people have health problems that they think about it.


Anticipate, is to take advantage

Leave nothing to chance. Choose the cheapest funeral company in French-speaking Switzerland.

The benefits

What are the advantages of funeral provision?

We are at the service of the family and loved ones, providing them with an impeccable quality service that respects the last wishes of the deceased.
There are 2 ways you can take advantage of a free, no-obligation personalised offer:

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Portes ouvertes & conférences Chapelle de Rennaz

Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier aux journées portes ouvertes les 2 et 3 novembre 2024 dans notre chapelle. Cet événement exceptionnel vous offre l’opportunité d’assister à 9 conférences passionnantes sur les rites funéraires et l’accompagnement dans le deuil, animées par 10 intervenant(e)s.